facial sculpting with dermal filler

Teoxane products used by Courtney Cassidy Aesthetics for Dermal Filler

Cheek enhancement (contouring / anti-aging)

Adding volume to the apples/midface of the cheek area or to contour the cheek bones. If you are looking for both this can not be done with only 1ml, please consider 2ml if this is what you are looking for.

Chin Enhancement

Effective treatment for elongating the face and improving side profile balancing.

Jawline Sculpting

Dermal filler can be added along the jawline to sharpen and contour this area. This treatment can also help support the aging skin and jowl area creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Nasolabial Lines (known as smile lines)

Dermal filler is placed carefully in this area to smooth and make the lines less noticeable, making you look refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful.

Marionette Lines (known as puppet lines)

Because of the” downturned mouth” effect, these lines can make you look sad or angry. Dermal fillers provide an excellent solution for Marionette Lines, because their effect is to thicken the skin and add fullness into the folds.

Peri Oral Rejuvenation

These fine lines around the mouth are treated with a soft dermal filler to diminish the appearance of the ageing skin which will hydrate and rejuvenate the mouth area instantly.

  • Yes, a detailed consultation will be carried out by nurse Courtney prior to treatment and she will advise you on the best option for your aesthetic goals with relation to your facial features.

  • You can view all treatment pricing here.